Monday, June 15, 2015

A Million Ways to Wake Up Daddy

How Sophia woke me up this first week of summer vacation:
  1. Poking Method: repeatedly poking me in the ribs until I jolt awake.
  2. Creepy Method: lying on top of me, nose to nose, wide-eyed, and grinning, until I open my eyes and shudder myself awake.
  3. Cliffhanger Method: slipping into bed between Mommy and me and strategically positioning her hands and feet for leverage, then pushing and prodding me to the bed's edge to force me awake.
  4. Drip Drip Drip Method: whispering into my ear, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy...," to annoy me awake.
  5. Frozen Method: removing my blankets, then sitting by and watching me shiver myself awake.
  6. Academic Method: placing a LeapFrog educational toy next to my ear and turning it on so I hear "FIND THE LETTER 'C'!" at full volume to make me leap frog awake....
(Don't give Sophia any more ideas! I'll lose even more sleep when her new baby sister arrives...)