Sunday, September 29, 2013

Two Young Hearts

Laura: How old are you, Sophia?
Sophia: I'm two. Dada's three.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Who's the Best?

"I found a shirt. It says 'Daddy's the Best!' You want to wear it? No, it's mine!"
(The onesie actually says "My Mommy is the Best!" : )

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pre-Sibling Rivalry

Sophia: I need a baby brother, Dada.
Me: I thought she wanted a sister?
Laura: I told her that her shoes are too small, so I have to put them away if she has a baby sister some day. And if she has a baby brother, I'll sell her shoes.

(So she'd rather have a baby brother, than share her shoes with a sister?!...Hmmm.)