Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Cupholder

As I unbuckle the baby from her car seat, I notice that her clothes are all wet with water. No wonder she has been crying in the car the past five minutes!

Me: Sophia, why is the baby all wet?
S: Because she spilled my drink all over herself.
Me: Why did the baby have your drink?
S: Because I was going to pass it to Thalia.
Me: Were you using the baby as a cupholder?
S: Yes.
Me: Please don't use the baby as a cupholder.
S: OK.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tooth Fairy

Laura's Post:

Asked Sophia about the tooth fairy to get a sense of her expectations.

S: I know the tooth fairy is real. Not like Tinkerbell. Because parents and kids talk about her all the time.
Me: What does she bring?
S: Maybe a toy or candy or gold or a maraca shaped like a tooth.

Not exactly helpful.

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Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Grandpa Argument

At the park, Laura and I are enjoying a moment together while the kids are playing:
S: Daddy, come with me! (She starts tugging at me.)
Me: I will, honey, but I'm talking to Mommy right now.
S: Come with me! You need to spend more time playing with your children before we grow up so fast!
Me: (I glance at Laura and mutter) Wow, that's a hard one to argue against! 
S: (smugly) Before you know it, you're going to be a grandpa!
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Saturday, September 16, 2017

No News is Good News

S: Why do you like to watch the news so much?
Me: I like to know what's going on outside of our house.
S: You could go outside and look!
Me: I mean way outside like around the world.
S: (eye rolls) You don't need to do that!...

Long story short, we went out to play. That's the best news we had all day!
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Monday, September 11, 2017

Whoopsie Daisy!

Sophia is excited about joining our local Daisy troop, but she expressed serious concern about having to sell Girl Scout Cookies: "What if I eat them all?

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Friday, September 8, 2017

The School of Hard Knocks

How was your first week of school?
S: It was great!
Did you read?
S: No.
Did you write?
S: No.
Did you do math?
S: No. We polished shoes and learned how to dust....
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