Saturday, February 27, 2016

Endless Love

S: What does endless mean?
Laura: Endless is when something never ends.
S: Oh, like how the love that you and Daddy have will never end?
Me: Oooh, that was a good one! : )

The Angry Constituent

While I'm updating Laura about the latest in national politics, Sophia loudly interrupts me from the other room:

S: Do not make children angry!
Me: Why are you angry?
S: I don't like it when you talk about who is going to be the president.
Me: Why not?
S: Because I don't want a bad man to be the president!
Laura: I agree! I don't want to talk about it either!

(Okay, the ladies win. I know when I'm outvoted : )

Sunday, February 14, 2016

How to Make a Fort

I got after Sophia for using a bathroom word at the dinner table. 
I felt justified at first but then bad about it when she started to cry. 
Then from badly to worse when she explained:
"I didn't say a bathroom word! I said I didn't know how to make a fort, not a bathroom word!"

(Sorry, honey. Another day, another overzealous parenting error...)

Friday, February 12, 2016

TinkerToying with Mama

Laura's Post:

S: (holding up a TinkerToy creation) Look what I made!
Me: Wow. It could be a sun or maybe a helicopter.
S: No! Please stop imaginating my things. I will give you a pollypop if you don't imaginate...

(She hands me a TinkerToy stick with a wheel on top. Is this a test?)

The Butt of the Joke

Laura's Post:

S: (reading her book aloud) That's the word "but." (giggles)
Me: (trying to take the high road) Yes. The other "but," the one you're thinking about, is spelled differently with two "T"s. 
B - U - T - T.
S: (giggling out of control) TOOTIES! Ha ha ha ha!...

(OK. I give up. It's pretty funny. I wish I still got such joy from bodily functions.)

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Always Never

Me: Remember never to cross the road without Mommy.
S: I would always-never do that!...

(Hmm, I'm never-always sure we understand one another.)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Pre-Tween Stage

Laura's Post:

Sophia: I was SO EMBARRASSED at school today! (eye roll and hip shift) My friend told all the older girls. . . It was SO EMBARRASSING! (hand to eyes.) I was SO EMBARRASSED!
(long pause) What does embarrassed mean?

(We are, mercifully, past the threenager stage. What is this? Pre-tween?...)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Spring Planning

Talking with Mommy about redecorating the elementary school's display case: 
"We could add beautiful things from nature, boys and girls playing, trees and flowers, and protein..."