Saturday, February 28, 2015


At the concessions table at our middle school play,
Sophia chose a chocolate frosted cupcake to eat.
First thing she did was lick the frosting off the top like an ice cream cone.
A concessions lady said, "That's the way I like it, too!"

Then a Snickers bar caught Sophia's eye.
She grabbed it and offered it to Laura who told her no.
She put it back without a fuss.

As she turned to go, she spotted a plate
Of brightly colored Fun Dip candy packets.
Again Laura told her no.

Sophia grabbed one anyway and determinedly walked away.
"Sophia!" Laura said.
"Daddy might like it!" Sophia said.
The concessions lady snickered.
Laura told Sophia no.

So again
Sophia conceded without a fuss.

She was right though about the brightly colored Fun Dip candy packet.
I really would have liked a brightly colored Fun Dip candy packet!
But I know that Sophia would have made me share my sugar with her,
And she was already way past her sugar quota.

So I conceded with a pouty fuss.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble

Laura's Post:

Sophia: I made you soup. There's eggs, a zebra, a frog, a man, and cheese in it!
Me: Um. I'm not sure I'd like that.
Sophia: It's OK. They're all dead. You take the meat off the bone. I also took the eyes out...

(Please pass the fava beans, honey....)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tummy Troubles

Laura's Post:

A night of firsts.
First time Sophia has coughed so hard she has thrown up all over us both.
First time she has had a tantrum over vegetables: "I want a plate of healthy vegetables. I know what's best for my body!"
First time she has ever fallen asleep in front of a TV show. Thank you Thomas and Friends for your calming vibes.
Tomorrow is the first personal day I will be taking from my new job.

Thinking about all of our friends' sick kiddos tonight ... Roll on spring.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Rocky Relationship

Settling Sophia in bed tonight:
S: Daddy, where's Rocko?
Me: Who's Rocko?
S: He's my rock. I can't find him!
Me: You're sleeping with a rock?
S: Yes.
Me: Why?
S: Because I love him.
Me: What do you love about Rocko?
S: I love his little black cliffs.
Me: Little black cliffs? Do you mean ridges?
S: Yes, he has little black cliffs.
Me: (I find an ugly black rock in her sheets.) Is this Rocko?
S: Yes! Thank you! (She strokes her piece of gravel ever so tenderly.) I missed you, Rocko! I love you sooo much!...

(All I can say, Rocko, is if you hurt my daughter, I'll pulverize you...)

Snow Day Time

This is me trying to sleep in on a snow day:

Sophia: (climbing on top of me) Time to wake up, Daddy!
Me: What time is it?
Sophia: Time to wake up!
Me: What time does the clock say?
Sophia: Four o'clock.
Me: Nooo, that's too early. Go check the clock, please.
Sophia: Five o'clock.
Me: Nooo...Go ask Mama what time it is.
Sophia: (She asks Laura, then returns crying loudly.) Mama says it's 9:30 am, but it's really five o'clock!...

I bury my head deep into my pillow and wish for a snow day where it's always time to sleep in late....

P.S. They woke me again soon after to delicious chocolate chip pancakes and hot, dark coffee. Now, that's what time I'm talking about... ; )

Friday, February 20, 2015

Melting Naughty Daddies

Laura's Post:

Me: What were you doing in the bath?
S: I melted a naughty daddy.
Me: We don't melt daddies.
S: I was a mummy. He was a naughty daddy who didn't want to be married to me anymore. He wanted to be with another mummy. So I poured water on him and melted him. (Big grin)

Yes, we have just read The Wizard of Oz.
Little boys, BEWARE.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Talk

Laura's Post:

Driving Sophia home tonight:

Me: What did you do today?
S: I was busy taking care of baby Jesus. It was hard work. He wanted a bottle...He wanted some food...It was really boring...How did the baby get in your tummy?

Did not see that one coming. She was persistent. We had "the talk."

I asked Sophia what she thought about the information I had just shared. She looked a little shell shocked and said, "I feel OK." Then she asked, "When I'm grown up, can I make a baby?"

She wants to have three. One will be called Rainbow and another Cloud. She wants to rub Vicks on them when they have colds. That is as far as she has planned.

Sophia's girlfriends can now compare notes. There will be some interesting conversation over lunch tomorrow.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Seaweed Soup

Sophia: I can't wait to share my snack with my friends today!
Me: What is your snack?
Sophia: Seaweed.
Me: You're sharing seaweed with your friends?
Sophia: Yes! I really like seaweed.
Me: I hope your friends like seaweed, too....

Who brings a pack of Nagai's Roasted Seaweed Sushinori to pass around at preschool? We live in wintry Northern Michigan, not Japan. Kids here can barely look at their veggies much less eat edible algae with a papery texture and a fishy aftertaste.

Seriously, I like seaweed, too, but I felt like talking my daughter out of this bad idea.

Never mind. Laura told me that she had helped Sophia cut them into squares last night so she could bring them to daycare. It was Sophia's idea. She was excited about it. The plan was in place.

Oh well, I suppose that peer rejection is an inevitable and necessary part of a child's social development.

When we arrived at her daycare, Sophia loudly announced that she brought seaweed snacks for everyone! I winced a little. Her teacher couldn't have been happier. She explained to me that the kids' favorite book to read the past week was Seaweed Soup, so they all would be looking forward to sharing the snack that day.

Sure enough, my daughter reported that everybody ate it and liked it. Her friends liked it. Her teachers liked it. Rowan didn't think he would like it, but then he tried it and changed his mind. Everybody except Dillon liked it, but Dillon wouldn't even try it.

So blow me down! Who would have thought that preschoolers would tolerate seaweed? The power of literature to compel little ones to eat what otherwise would have caused immediate gag reflexes is truly amazing. Oh, me of little faith.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Rudest Parents

Sophia: Mommy, come and lay down with me!
Laura: No, Sophia, I'm not going to lie down with you. Go to sleep.
Sophia: Daddy, come and lay down with me!
Me: No, honey, not right now. I'll check on you later. Go to sleep.
Sophia: You guys are being rude on me!
Me: Good night, honey. We love you.
Sophia: You guys are being rude on me!...

The Marriage Ref

Laura: ...We can't afford that right now.
Me: I know. It's just important that we talk about it.
Sophia: (with a voice of authority) Mama's right! Daddy's not right!
Me: Yes, honey, Mama's right...

(Not long after, Sophia interrupts us again to make another call.)

Sophia: Mama's right! Daddy's not right!
Me: You know that Mama's always right, don't you, honey?
Laura: Not always. Daddy's usually right.
Me: I don't think so!...
Sophia: Mama's right! Daddy's not right!

(Our marriage ref is tough, but fair ; )

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"No More Tears" Shampoo

I use tear free shampoo on Sophia, but I can't seem to wash her hair without making her scream out for Mama to intervene. I think I'm being careful, but I simply don't have the gentle touch my wife clearly has: "Daddy's not good at washing my hair, is he?..."

Guess who's not allowed to wash my daughter's hair anymore :'(

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Nocturnal Tigey Attacks

Sophia has been stuffing Tigey into her shirt at bedtime and pretending that she is pregnant, which is the cutest thing. Not so cute are her three in the morning nightmares. She screams incoherently and flails in her sleep like she's being attacked by a wild animal. Laura settles her simply by removing the tiger from Sophia's shirt...

These nocturnal Tigey attacks have happened three nights now. Well, tonight, before going to bed, Laura slipped into Sophia's room and preemptively removed the tiger.

There will be no Tigey attacks tonight!

Here Be Dragons!

Sophia: Can you pick me up early during art tomorrow?
Laura: Why?
Sophia: Because I like to spend time with you...
Laura: Aww!
Sophia: ...and I want you to save me from the fiery dragon.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Of Melons and Donkey Rides

Laura's Post:

Sophia and I were weighing melons in Meijer.
Me: How much does this one weigh?
Sophia: Five.
Me: Five pounds? That's how much I weighed when I was born.
Sophia: Did Mamo have to ride on a donkey?

Me: No.
Sophia: Are you going to ride on a donkey?...


Me: (talking to Laura) Will someone have an N-A-P soon?
(Red alert! The code has been hacked! Everybody panic!...)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Almond Joy

Me: ...and thank you God that Sophia is such a wonderful daughter. Amen.
S: Not "Ah"-men. It's "A"-men.
Me: You can say either "Ah"-men or "A"-men. Both are ok.
S: "Ahhh"-men. Hehehe.
Me: What's so funny?
S: "Almond." Hehehe.
Me: "Almond?" Yeah, it does sound like that. Haha.... 
(Sometimes you pray like a nut ; )

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

These Foots Are Made For Walking

Laura's Post:
Me: I am SO tired. Sophia, will you put me to bed?
S: No.
Me: Why not?
S: Because God gave you foots to walk to bed with.

A Little More Sweetener, Please

I perform my evening ritual of making black tea for Laura and me to drink together. It's a lovely tradition we share that helps soften the rough edges of the day. 

As I measure out milk and sugar, Sophia enters the kitchen for a goodnight hug and kiss:

S: What are you doing?
Me: I'm making tea.
S: Are you putting sugar in it?
Me: Yes.
S: Sugar is bad for you.
Me: Haha, yes, that's why I'm not putting too much sugar in it.
S: But sugar is verrry bad for you!
Me: Yes, I'm not putting too much in. A little bit is not too bad.
S: Yes, it is! Sugar is very, verrry bad for you! You shouldn't eat it!
Me: Ok, honey. Let me give you a hug and kiss goodnight now...Sweet dreams.

(I think I'd like to put something stronger in my tea now...Yeah, I know, that's not good for me either. Sigh...)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Today's Top Baby Names

Sophia's Top Names for the Baby (as of today):
  1. Elsa (a la Frozen)
  2. Madeline (as in the children's book series)
  3. Cinderella (because why not)
  4. Rainbow (we don't watch My Little Pony, so we're guessing her preschool friends suggested it)
  5. Dora (the Explorer)
  6. "Fluffy" and "Softy" have fallen behind in the rankings somehow.
I want to avoid Sophia becoming too emotionally invested in any name, so I explain to her that we as parents get to name the baby. 

Sophia explains in response, "No, I will name it." 

I say that we are open to her suggestions, but we'll make the final choice, and some day she can name her own babies anything she wants to. 

She disrespectfully disagrees...

p.s. 4/28/15
Name Update: Elsa Ana Zumba Rozeboom or Blancanieves. It's a toss up.

p.s. 6/24/15
Sophia's sister Thalia Faith was born today at 7:29 a.m., 8 lbs, 3 oz., and is healthy, hungry, and feisty! : ) (Sophia is disappointed that her other chosen names, Rainbow Cloud and Princess Sparkles, didn't make the cut. We promised her that she can call her sister any nice name she wants, but just remember that her sister will someday be choosing names to call her, too ; )

The Best Kind of Bubbles

Laura's Post:

"I think that these bubbles are nice because they sometimes move out of the way when I drink my juice. Those are helpful bubbles." —Sophia