Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wishful Thinking

S: I wished a wish upon a wish stamp today, but I didn't get what I wished for.
Me: What did you wish for?
S: I wished that I could eat all the candy that I want without getting sick.
Me: That's a good one. Let's see how that goes...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Heart Crime

S: Why do people get married?
Laura: Why do you think?
S: Because they love each other?
Laura: Yes, but you have to be careful that you marry someone who is a good person, otherwise you'll be very unhappy.
S: How did you know that Daddy wasn't a robber?...

(But I was a robber. I stole her heart! Haha...)


Me: Are you ready to have fun at VBS?
S: Yes. I can never remember how to say VBS and GBS.
Me: You mean GPS.
S: Yes, GVS.
Me: No, we use the GPS to get to VBS.
S: GBS to get to VBS....
Me: No, the GBS... oh, never mind! We're here already. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Quicker Picker Upper

Me: Finish cleaning your room, please.
S: What if I'm naughty?
Me: What do you mean?
S: What if I just hide everything under my bed? Will I get in trouble?
Me: Nooo, you wouldn't do that.
S: What if I did that?
Me: Are you going to do that?
S: No, but what if I did that?
Me: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
S: Would I be in trouble?
Me: What do you think?
S: Yes?
Me: That's a good guess!
S: So can I hide things under my bed?
Me: No.

(She could have picked up all the toys in the time in took to have this conversation!)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day Treasures

Sophia presented to me my two favorite gifts for Father's Day: 
a Book and Cash!

Friday, June 17, 2016


When we first arrived in Chicago to visit the Spanish speaking side of the family, Sophia suddenly realized that she was in unfamiliar territory. She stood there in my tia's kitchen silently taking the experience in. Then with wide eyes she looked up and whispered to Laura, "I don't know many words in Spanish, but I know banana."

Friday, June 10, 2016


Shouting from the kitchen:
S: There's a goldfish! There's a goldfish!
She runs into the living to where I'm sitting:
S: There's a goldfish in the kitchen!
Me: Uh, silverfish.
S: There's a silverfish!...

(I'd prefer it were a goldfish.)

Divine Design

Laura's Post:

Sophia: (walking in wearing Mark's shirt and a pair of leggings draped over her shoulder) "Do I look like God?"

Not really prepared for the historical or theological discussion on the first day of vacation BEFORE coffee. It's going to be a fun summer!...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Knock, Knock...Moo!

S: Knock, knock.
Me: Who's there?
S: Interrupting fish.
Me: Interrupting...
S: Moo!
Me: Moo? Fish don't say moo!
S: It's an interrupting fish cow. I made it up.
(I don't open my door for interrupting fish cows.)


Laura's Post:

Watching David Attenborough's amazing Africa documentary:

Me: Sophia, are you OK watching the giant carnivorous cricket eat the baby bird?
Sophia: (nonchalant) Yes.

She watches the scene unfold with calm and happy concentration while I get deeply traumatized. But we can't watch any movies with snowmen because the suggestion of melting causes trauma and heartbreak?

Is there a manual?

Friday, June 3, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Help These Days

Laura's Post:

This afternoon while working in the garden:

Laura: Sophia, can you help me spread the soil?
S: No, I'm busy right now with my business (an imaginary bakery), but I can send you two girls, an older one and a younger one...But, you know, they can't do any work. They're imaginary...