Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Favorite Part

Laura's Post:

Me: Sophia, what was your favorite part of our Grand Rapids trip today? The amazing Vietnamese soup and bubble tea? The glamorous photo shoot? Your first escalator ride? The huge playground we discovered? Our exploration through the woods and creek?
S: Nope. McDonald's.
Me: What! Why?
S: Because the food is tasty.
Me: (Groan)

Some things never change!...

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Eggs

Laura's Post:

I have been trying to avoid discussing crucifixion and torture with Sophia this week. Mission accomplished. Phew. However, she blindsided us today with another Easter related topic at the lunch table. Did not see this one coming.
Sophia: "Why do I have eggs inside me?"

I let Mark handle it and snuck off for a nap. He can tell you the details.

Mark's Post: At lunch today

S: Why do only girls have eggs inside of them?
Me: Uh, because you had eggs for breakfast this week?
S: No! Not those kinds of eggs! Girls have eggs inside their bodies, and boys don't have eggs...
Laura: I'll let you handle this one. (exits room)
Me: Uh, who told you that?
S: Mommy told me.
Me: Well, because some day when you are ready to have a baby...
S: Oh, and the baby comes from the eggs?
Me: Yes!
S: When the womens have babies, the babies come from that. That's what eggs are for!
Me: Yes...

(Of all the kinds of eggs I'd expect to talk about with a four-year-old at Easter...)

Friday, March 25, 2016

Sleeping Like a Princess

Laura's Post:

Thanks Jacksons! 
Sophia loves her nightdress. She will sleep like a princess tonight. 
Hopefully without complaints of lumps in the mattress.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Career Day

Laura's Post: Career Day at school. 
"I want to be a heart doctor or a singer."

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Hunt

On the way to the annual Easter egg hunt at a local church, Sophia explained to me with great sincerity that Easter is not about eggs or rabbits.
"What's it about?"
"It's about God!"
Yeah, well, when I set her loose upon the church yard to collect her allowance of 20 colorful Easter eggs before the other kids got them all, it was totally about the chocolate! Totally! 
I can't say I blame you, dear. Haha...

Monday, March 14, 2016

Mirror Writers

Laura's Post:

Sophia is teaching herself to write bottom up, right to left, with reversed letters: 
"Because I like it." 
Not volunteering to homeschool this one. : )

Saturday, March 12, 2016


S: That's mines.
Me: "Mine," honey, not "mines."
S: No, it's "mines."
Me: "Mine," not "mines."
S: I can say "mines."
Me: The correct way to say it is "mine."
S: I like saying "mines." 
Me: I know you do.
S: I can say it however I want.
Me: That's true. You can say it however you want.
S: I say "mines."
Me: OK. Never mind...
(Even though her daddy is an English teacher, sometimes I just need to mind mines own business ; )

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Wiser by the Day

Laura's Post: 

Sophia's piece of wisdom today

"I know I didn't behave well that day. I was a little kid then. I was only four. Now I am four and a half, I don't do that anymore."

Yup. I did some dumb things when I was thirty-five. It's a good thing I am thirty-five and three quarters now and know how to behave. Getting wiser by the day.