Monday, July 23, 2018


While I'm sipping coffee and watching my morning news:

Sophia: Daddy, is it possible for you to live without TV?
Me: No.
Sophia: Daddy! Then how come Mary, Carrie, Laura, Grace, and Ma and Pa could live without TV?
Me: They died without TV.
Sophia: Daddy!
Me: They're all dead. Life was very hard without TV.
Sophie: Daddy! Well, you can live without the TV!
Me: OK. I guess I could just unplug the TV and take it out of the house and give it to the poor. What do you think about that?
Sophia: OK.
Me: Amen, sister. (sip, sip)
Image result for little house on the prairie on television

Friday, July 20, 2018


Sophia: Why do you look so upset?
Me: Life!
Sophia: Life? What's wrong with life? Look around you! Life is just so amazing! See?
Me: Thank you, honey. I needed that.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Anton the Banana

Sophia: There's an ant on the banana!
Me: Huh? Anton the Banana? Who's that?
Laura: Ant on the banana.
Sophia: AN ANT on the banana! Not ANTON the Banana!
Me: I'm so confused...
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