Sunday, May 28, 2017

Vampire Fashion

She overheard Laura talking about empire waists when they were shopping yesterday...

"Mommy, does my dress have a vampire waist?"
Image result for pride and prejudice kids

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bubble Wrap Love

While in a hurry to get our family out the door:

Laura: Sophia, go use the bathroom right now before we go.
S: Not right now. I'm doing something important.
Laura: What's important?
S: Popping bubble wrap.
Laura: Sophia!...
Image result for bubble wrap heart

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Art of Cursing

Today Sophia showed Laura her first attempt at writing cursive in school. 
She called it her cursing writing...
Me: What's cursing mean?
Sophia: It's like writing your ABCs but like this (she draws in the air)
Me: Oh, you mean cursive.
Sophia: Yes.
Me: Do you like cursive writing.
Sophia: Yes!...
I'm so glad that cursing isn't a defined vocabulary word for her yet. 
We'll hang onto that innocence a bit longer...
Image result for the art of cursive

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Mean Boys Game

Laura asked me to talk to Sophia this morning on the way to school about the mean boys who were making fun of her "Big Sister" shirt and her boyish haircut. Sophia now wants to get rid of her shirt, grow her hair longer, and wear pretty hair clips so they won't tease her. She's free to do that, of course, but what she really needs is strategies for dealing with mean boys in the long term:

Me: Did you know that those boys are playing a game with you? 
S: A game?
Me: Yes. They think it's fun to make you mad on purpose. It's a terrible game to play, isn't it?
S: Yes.
Me: Do you want to know how you can win the game?
S: Yes!
Me: Can you guess how?
S: By not getting mad?
Me: Yes! Don't let those boys win by getting mad. They love to make you mad. They think it's funny. I know that because I used to act like those silly boys and be mean to girls. But don't let the boys win, OK? Instead of getting mad and yelling at them, try to ignore them and find a friend that you can be happy with! If you ignore them and be happy with your friends, then you win the game and the boys lose! Can you do that?
S: Yes.

I asked Sophia to repeat the rules of how to win the mean boys game. I wanted to follow up with her after school to see how it went. But before I let her get out of the car, I emphasized an important rule:

Me: If anyone tries to hit you or kick you or even touch you when you don't want them to, you need to say right away, "Stop it, or I'll tell the teacher!" Just say it one time. If the boy or girl bothers you again, tell the teacher right away about what happened, OK?
S: OK.
Me: Tell me after school who won the game, OK?
S: OK.

After school, Sophia excitedly reported that no boys teased her today, but she won the game two times when two different boys during lunch kicked at her. She told them to stop then told the teacher and they got in trouble and stopped bothering her!....

Yes! Girl power! Mean boys better watch out....

Pre-Mother's Day Gift

Laura's Post:

Sophia gave me a wrapped gift at bed time tonight and said: "I gave you a present because I knew you were grumpy, and if I gave you a present I wouldn't be in trouble..."
Image result for mother's day gift

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Butterfly Cycle

Sophia: Daddy, can I make a butterfly cycle for you?
Me: Yes. What's a butterfly cycle?
Sophia: A butterfly cycle is when a butterfly comes to life from an egg to a caterpillar to a cocoon to a butterfly and then the butterfly lays more eggs all over again and that's a butterfly cycle.
Me: Haha! I thought you meant a bicycle for butterflies!
Sophia: No! I didn't mean a butterfly bicycle! I meant a butterfly life cycle made out of Play-Doh!

I'm impressed! But now I feel the need to see a butterfly riding a cycle!...

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

BooBoo Visits

Sophia is reading to me a bedtime story about BooBoo the blue gosling. As she reads, I follow along word for word with my index finger, pausing at difficult words until she can pronounce them correctly:

Sophia: "BooBoo vis - sits... vis - sits... Visits. BooBoo visits. BooBoo visits. BooBoo visits." Daddy! Why aren't you moving your finger!

Me: Sorry. I fell asleep...

Image result for boo boo the blue gosling