Sophia helped me make coffee this morning: S: It doesn't smell good. Me: Really? I think it smells wonderful! What does it smell like? S: Like chicken...
"Sixteen Going On Seventeen" is playing on Pandora: Me: Do you remember this song? S: Yes. Me: Where is it from? S: The Sound of Music right after the Nutsies. Me: The Nazis. S: Yes, the Nutsies...
Laura wanted to know what all the unbelievable racket was about earlier when she was trying to take a nap: S: I don't remember. You must have been dreaming. Mommy: No, I wasn't dreaming! Why was it so noisy? S: It was a dream. Daddy: Oh, yeah. She and Thalia were playing drums. I finally realized how noisy they were and asked them to stop. Mommy: Yes, then what was all the noise after that? S: I was singing opera...
We ate fajitas tonight at a Mexican restaurant: S: (with a puzzled look) Mommy, why are there Mexicans here? Laura: Because it's a Mexican restaurant. S: Oh. Laura: You do know that you're part Mexican, right? S: (shakes head no) Me: I'm half Mexican, which makes you part Mexican. S: (shakes head no) Well, after four years of teaching her Spanish words and phrases, watching Spanish DVDs with her, singing Spanish songs together, and throwing her a piƱatabirthday party, not-to-mention, taking her out to Mexican restaurants for fajitas...Apparently, it's time to educate her about her ethnic heritage! ; )
A cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" is playing on Pandora: S: Daddy! That's the song that you were just playing on your ukulady! Me: Haha! Yes, on my ukulele. S: Ukulady.
While I'm cooking in the kitchen: S: What is that terrible smell! Me: What terrible smell? It's bacon! Try some? S: Yes. (She tentatively takes a bite.) S: Mmmmmmm! I've never had bacon before! I love bacon! Me: That's my girl...
S: I teach my dolls, but only silly things. Me: Like what? S: I teach them how to say, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." That's funny. That's what my students think I teach...
S: Will you help me clean my room, Daddy? Me: I'm busy cleaning something, right now. S: What are you cleaning? Me: A poopy diaper. S: Good luck cleaning the poopy diaper. Me: Good luck cleaning your room. (I think I have the better job, actually...)
S: Daddy, come look at what I'm building in my room! It's a factory! Me: Oh, how fun! What kind of factory is it? S: It's a candy factory. All of my dolls are the workers. Me: That's nice. Do you pay them well? S: No. Me: How much do you pay them? S: One. Just one dollar every day. Me: I hope they stay happy working for you. Laura: That's not very much, Sophia. Me: It's more than we pay her, haha... S: The workers are very happy. They only make naughty candy in my factory...