The girls are supposed to be having a nice time in the bath together:
S: Daddy!
Me: What?
S: Thalia keeps kicking me and hitting me in the back! I told her to stop, but she won't stop kicking and hitting me! I feel like a slave in Egypt!...
S: Do you like when people say no to you?
Laura: No. I don't really like that.
S: Do you like when people say no to you?
Pat: No, I don't like that.
S: Do you like when people say no to you?
Me: (sensing a trap) Well, I don't prefer it.
S: (staring me down with gotcha' eyes) Then why do you like to say no to me?
Me: Well, I don't prefer it! I prefer to say yes to you!
S: (with a slow nod and a shaming look) Then why do you like to say no to me?...
Haha! I knew it was a trap!
Laura: I have some C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E. Do you want some?
Me: Yes! I neeeed it!
Sophia: You have chocolate?!
Me: What? You can spell chocolate now?
Sophia: I knew it was chocolate because you said you needed it.
She exploits my weakness.