I desperately claw my way into the kitchen to locate my special house blend that I had personally ground for such a moment as this. With trembling hands I remove the lid and then lean in close to better behold the coffee's dark, glorious contours and indulge in its sacred aroma that I imagine the whole history of the universe has conspired tooth and nail to bring into existence at this precise moment:
"Aaaaah, that smells goooood!"
I tenderly scoop up a measured tablespoon of this magic happy dust and pour it into the filter, then I pour another, then...
Me: Who put a frog in my coffee?!
Laura: What?
Me: There's a frog in my coffee!
Laura: There's a frog in your coffee? What frog?
Me: Look! There's a rubber frog buried in my coffee!
Laura: Oh, that's Sophia's frog. Sophia, how did your frog get into Daddy's coffee?
Sophia: I don't know....